Thursday, July 16, 2015

Happy Birthday Evan

Dear Evan,

I cannot seem to wrap my head around the fact that you are five today. It seems like yesterday I could hear you in the halls of the hospital screaming your little lungs away as I came for a midnight visit. Not much has changed, you can still be pretty loud, just in a different way now. Daily hospital trips were a way of life for me, for 48 days. Now look at you; so handsome and strong. You are full of energy, lovable and quite a curious little boy.

You are amazing in every way. I cannot believe how smart you are and how interested you are in so many things. You are always asking questions and wanting to know know know. Knowledge is Power, and I think you my son are well on your way.

Your inquisition is fascinating, your humor is contagious and your heart is full of love.

I am so proud of you and all you have accomplished these past 5 years. I admire you and I am so happy that I was picked to be your Mom. Happy Birthday Evan. I love you.


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