Friday, February 16, 2018

3 Weeks Post OP

It's hard to believe that we are already three weeks post op. There isn't a whole lot to report other than Alex's incisions are fully healed and we are still sitting here all day trying to keep busy with shows, music and toys. Eric even bought a couple of apps for Alex's iPad just for another option to keep him entertained.

He is still in the wedge around the clock and the leg braces only need to be on at night. Changing his diaper has been a challenge for me this week. When we got home three weeks ago, I was rolling him to his right side to change him. This week I thought I would be able to lift his legs, but that hasn't worked out as well as I thought so I am back to rolling him to his side. I am hoping that he is more comfortable when he goes back to school in 10 days.

I did load him up in the van yesterday and took him for a car ride. I needed gas, so I got that and went through the drive thru at Arbys and got us lunch. I am hoping we can take him out this weekend since the weather will be clear and not all snowy like last weekend.

The visitors keep coming and that keeps Alex and I going. We enjoy the company. Last weekend his friend Sapphire, along with her brother and Mom visited and brought us pizza. Both Grandma's have been by this week to bring food and visit as well as my friend Stephanie who came by and brought us lunch today.

We have also received two gift cards this week for dinner from friends that don't live nearby. I just can't get over all the kindness and generosity from those around us. We are very lucky to be blessed by so many wonderful friends and family!

Evan is on his second sleepover tonight with his friend Nathan and he couldn't be more excited. Rachel, thank you so much for taking him twice in the past three weeks. It means a lot to all of us that Evan is off having fun!!

Tomorrow is the start of week four of recovery. We hope it's as good as the previous three weeks.

Exchanging Valentine's Presents

Goofy Valentine
Excited to get out of the house!

Alex's Scars from his hip surgery

He is still happy despite being bored and wearing a giant wedge around the clock

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