Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Year, New Goals

New Year, new set of goals. That is what I like to call "resolutions". I don't want them to stick for a week or a month or even a year. I prefer they become a way of life.

The goal that I continue to fail at every year is weight loss. It has been an ongoing struggle for me for many years. I am hoping that this is the year that it sticks and I actually make changes that will stick around. I need to be healthy for my kids. These boys keep me on my toes and they aren't slowing down anytime soon!

The other goal (which is a carryover from last year) is to try and do something fun and different (outside of our normal routine) at least once a month. I actually succeeded at this goal last year and because it created so many great memories for our family, I look forward to doing it again this year.

We are off to an early start. We went bowling with some friends this past weekend and then out to lunch. It was kind of a big deal because it was the first time Alex actually bowled. He loved it! He would push the ball himself and watch it roll down the lane. No matter how many pins he would knock down, we would celebrate and he would get so excited!!

In two weeks we are going to the Shrine Circus! I know that these little things really make the boys happy - and they make me happy too. Here's to another eventful year!

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